
I Need A College Education To Be Successful Essay

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College is something a lot of people talk about now. They talk about its importance, how without it one cannot achieve success. The world puts into your head that without getting good grades and then going to college, one cannot prosper. Well, I do not believe this is true. I define success by its definition from Webster as the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals. I believe that a man does not need a college education to be successful. My first point is a college degree does not guarantee a successful career. According to a survey by consulting firm McKinsey and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about a half of graduates from four-year colleges are working in jobs that don’t even require a four-year degree. In fact, there are many viable job opportunities available even for non-college degree holders. There are also many people who have succeeded in a chosen career totally different from the course they have taken in college. A good example would be my aunt who graduated with a mass communications degree but became a bank executive and is now a successful sales executive in a top insurance company. …show more content…

For example, you are an employer who has to choose between two applicants for an important job. The first applicant is a degree-holding graduate with a year’s worth of experience. The second is a college dropout but with five years of experience. Who would you choose? Definitely, you would choose the second applicant because of the person’s wealth of experience. In an article I read, the author, a man named David Berezin applied for an editing position. He was a Bachelor of the Arts with a triple major and of course, a degree. He was quite confident that he would get the position; he was informed that they had hired a better qualified man for the job and why was that? It was because the man had

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