I Never Saw Another Butterfly Monologue

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Through my many years of school, kindergarten through high school, I have had countless numbers of people and experiences that have shaped me into the young woman I am today. My most recent experience that has taught me so much about myself and life is my first theater experience, UIL one act play. For years and years my parents encouraged me to try out for one-act play. They believed I would be a natural since I previously enjoyed public speaking contests. Because of my involvement in so many other extra-curricular activities, there always seemed to be a conflict that gave me a good excuse not to try out for the play. And to be perfectly honest, I was a little afraid of trying out. All of my previous experiences were within my comfort …show more content…

I needed something to stretch me in ways that I had never been stretched before. I tried out and was cast in a small speaking role in the production of “I Never Saw Another Butterfly”. My official character name was Child #2. She was held captive in Terezine, a Jewish ghetto and concentration camp in 1940’s Nazi Germany. Honestly, I was a little disappointed in the role at first, everyone trying out wants the lead part. I went home complaining and was given the advice, you can make the role of Child #2 just as significant as the lead in the play if you figure out how to make your character believable. As the weeks of rehearsals passed by I drew on my own childhood experiences and focused my efforts on creating a character. My unique portrayal of Child #2 was a young teen girl who loved ballet. Ironically, I had given up ballet after fourth grade and it was one of my greatest regrets. To use my own love for ballet gave me a closer connection to Child #2 and helped me fulfill a personal need. As the play advanced in competition my small part was recognized and I received All-Star Cast. My directors later told me the judges had to seek them out to find out who the child dancer was. The lessons in all of this is, trust your instincts, step outside of your comfort zone, work hard and in the future when I feel like “I need something just for me”, do

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