I Want To Be A Physical Therapist Essay

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The American Physical Therapy Association’s "vision" to transform society through movement is not just an idea to me, it is the ambition I intend to live by until it leads me to my next set of goals. Their vision has been something I 've embodied for quite sometime, without the organization and united mission of 90,000 Physical Therapist world-wide, my goal to become a health practitioner would be obsolete. The sight of being a part of rehabilitation services enthuses me as there is no better sentiment than restoring a lost smile. In life, "cause" is the precedent in what path we take. In addition, there is a reason behind why every individual takes part in something. My calling to this field deals with my own personal set of injuries consistent …show more content…

How we impact “change” in someone else 's life benefits us more spiritually than we can ever imagine, and I want nothing more to work with individuals who have the same cause as me. Physical Therapy is a career that will maximize my opportunities to improve the human experience as well as grow spiritually. Life without fulfillment or purpose is not the way I intend to live. Furthermore, I believe that this career will give back to me more than I will ever give it. My mother once said, “Without a vision you will perish”. Physical therapy has been a vision, dream, destiny and a passion for a long time because I know how much of a great thing it is. I have looked at it long enough that it has dropped into my sub-conscious mind but ultimately, it dropped into my spirit. I have kept Physical Therapy in front of me to remind myself how to make a difference in this world. What it has done in my life has been one of the most inspirational experiences in my life; it has made me become a better person and want nothing less than to extend this vision and inspire people, as it