ISIS Research Papers

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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a new but well known terrorist organization that found its origins within the Al Qaeda terrorist group . This came about in 2003 when the United States invaded Iraq do it it’s allege connections to terrorist organization and the holding of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The leader at this was Saddam Hussein that was a Sunni Muslim which is the world’s largest Islam faith. Under Saddam’s regime the Shia Muslim were suppress, with the fail of the Saddam’s regime do to the United States winning the war in Iraq the Shia Muslim raised to power causing a shift from being suppressed to do suppressing the Sunni. This set forth for a Sunni up raising that attracted many terrorist organizations like …show more content…

Seeking westerners from the United States and Canada to support the Jihadist cause by having westerners within the organization of ISIS helps in a few ways by having a good amount of fighters that have the ability to blend in with western society. These personnel can help in their efforts in spreading fear and terror in the U.S. ISIS as an organization has put forth a very strong effort to having a very powerful media center that reaches out to young men from around the world. Some of the messages being portrayed on media sites shows fighter with a since of belonging and happy with a family. Some of the imagines showing ISIS fighter as good people that do great things for the people they have conquered. Social media is the most effective way for ISIS to recruit using different media account like Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and Instagram allows for the organization to reach out to a massive amount of people. Another recruiting tacit used is the broad casting of high quality propaganda videos, much like a military commercials you can find in the United States. These videos target specific groups of people in different areas of the world and in many different languages. The tacit behind the videos is that the more people that can become radicalize the more fighters the group will have. All ads being release from ISIS all have a one major common factor and that is they are targeting the youth of the world. Gunaratna the author of “New Threat Landscape in 2015” states that ISIS “propaganda projecting itself as followers of Islam and enforcers of Sharia, it seeks to justify its actions.” By having a very successful recruiting method this has allowed for many westerners to join in on their fight, so much so that it has produces lone wolf attacks within the United

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