Iago's Control In Othello

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Untruths and misdirection’s are normal in the public eye, and numerous people veil their actual goals with a lacquer. In Shakespeare 's play Othello, the character Iago is the same as those tricky people. Behind his façade as a dependable ensign and companion, Iago is a multilayered, tricky and manipulative scalawag, coming up with disarray and bringing about setbacks toother characters for requital. Iago utilizes his deft and shrewd key demonstrations of control to undermine each character’s shortcomings. He misuses Roderigo’s love for Desdemona, Cassio under the appearance of companionship, and toys with Othello’s mind by playing on his self-question. Clearly, Iago controls the general population around him by utilizing their shortcomings: …show more content…

Eventually, Iago executes Roderigo.Iago brutally states: "I have rubbed this youthful quat just about to the sense,/And he becomes furious/May unfurl me to himthere stand I in much hazard. /No, he should kick the bucket. Be that as it may, in this way, I hear him coming" (V.i. 11-23). This depicts how Iagoruthlesslytakes favorable position of absurd Roderigo for his own particular needs and arranges him once his worth is spent. By and large, Roderigo is a pawn in Iago‟s conspires, controlled and oppressed through his visually impaired desire for Desdemona (Baker and Womack 1538). In this way, Iago abuses Roderigo‟s innocence and fixation on Desdemona by beguiling and controlling him keeping in mind the end goal to realize the ruin of alternate characters. Besides, Iago profits by Cassio‟s trusting nature by putting on a show to be his companion while secretly deceptive him. At first, Iago weights Cassio to drink, getting him inebriated to bring about a fracas. Therefore, Othello downgrades Cassio from his high-positioning position as lieutenant. Cassio‟s notoriety is of most extreme significance to him, and having recently been downgraded opens him to Iago‟s