To What Extent Is Iago Responsible For The Death Of Othello

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It is with deep sadness that I inform you that our greatest general Othello has committed suicide. The man responsible for his death and the death of Desdemona, Emilia, and Roderigo is our very own ‘honest’ Iago. This man is so much more than we thought he was. He has betrayed Othello and the sweet Desdemona. The only reason for his doing is that Iago is truly evil and is only seeking the destruction of our state. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, Iago conspired to have two people murdered. Iago told Roderigo that Cassio and Desdemona were in love and told Roderigo to avenge himself and kill Cassio. Iago also told Othello to smother Desdemona in her bed. You see Iago is the one who convinced Othello to kill Desdemona. “Don’t do it with poison. Strangle her in her bed, the same bed she’s contaminated.” (Act 4, Scene 1, Page 10). I agree that if someone tells you to do something that you have free will to not do it, but when a man causes you to believe your wife is cheating on you and tells you to kill her, then that man is guilty of murder. …show more content…

We first see this when Iago told Othello that there was something bad going on between Desdemona and Cassio. “Did you see how he laughed about sleeping with her?” (Act 4, Scene 1, Page 9). All of our lives we have been taught that gossiping and telling lies about others is wrong. This is exactly what Iago has done. He also told filled Roderigo’s mind with false perceptions about Desdemona and Cassio causing Roderigo to be filled with fury. Even though Iago spreading rumors shouldn’t cause people to kill, Iago’s rumors destroyed relationships and eventually lead to

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