Oedipus Complex In Fight Club

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In Freudian perspective, Freud introduces the Oedipus complex, conscious, unconscious, and categories mind into id, ego and superego. In term of sex instinct, Tyler embodied the sex appeal that the Narrator wished for, and as he worked various odd jobs to get by, he doesn’t tied down to a big corporation like the Narrator did. For instance, Tyler represented all of the Narrator's sexual desires, which later saw with Marla Singer. Tyler loved having sex with her. In Freudian terms, the Narrator was subconsciously attracted to Marla, because Tyler was attracted to Marla, and Tyler had sex the way that the Narrator wanted to have sex. Freud writes of "erotic object-choice". It obviously shown that Tyler represented the Narrator's id, which presented …show more content…

In the movie, Tyler said, "Our fathers were our models for God, if not on one will the model of us”, which tells us that the his father abandoned him at one point in his life (we know this because Tyler and the Narrator are the same person). To illustrate, after their first fight together, Tyler and The Narrator had an interesting conversation in the bathroom when the Narrator asked Tyler who he'd fight if he could fight anyone he wanted, and Tyler said he'd fight his dad. From this scene, we're able to see that the Narrator had hostile feelings towards his father, and that he acknowledges that he is in fact a boy that was raised by a woman. The fact that he calls himself a "boy" rather than a "man" implies a reference to the Oedipal stage. As Freud says, "The little boy notices that his father stands in his way with his mother”. This scene is integral to the analysis of The Narrator and the Oedipal complex, because Tyler said that his father is the one person he'd want to fight the …show more content…

The ego is where our conscious lies, and this is the part of our brain which deals with reality. Essentially, the ego takes into consideration what the id wants, and will act upon it in the most socially acceptable way. It is the civilized part of the consciousness, fighting to find a happy medium between the id and superego. Tyler is the high ego person , and the power can fulfill him. From one scene, he said "I'm breaking my attachment to physical power and possessions because only through destroying myself I can discover the greater power of my spirit.” Lastly, in term of superego, Freudian said we all pursue our super-ego, we know we will never get there but we try to be as similar as possible to it. Throughout Fight Club Tyler's personality progresses from the Id the Superego. From fight club to project mayhem, he has a philosophy. Tyler as Id is most clearly witnessed in the fight club itself. When there him and other fighters personify the animal, the beast in man. If Tyler was purely ID then he wouldn't articulate a belief system to explain his wild and childish pranks. Also, Jack grows up via the fantasy of Tyler. Tyler is the one who has uninhibited access to his