Sigmund Freud's Contribution To Psychology

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Contributions to Psychology Sigmund Freud was the first who use the term psychoanalysis in 1896. From that point his theories blossomed. Freud did not invent the terms unconscious, conscious or conscience. However he was successful in making them popular. Freud attained this through his theory of psychological reality, id, ego, and superego. Freud also drove a strong movement that sex drive is the most important motivating force. “He went on to identify that at times in our lives we find different areas on our bodies pleasurable and today these are known as erogenous zones. These ideas mixed together to form Freud’s Psychosexual Stage Theory which is still taught in textbooks today”. This theory consisted of five different stages. The first is the oral stage, in it a newborns to eighteen month old infants find pleasure from the mouth, specifically, sucking. The second stage is the anal stage. It occurs at the age of eighteen months to three years. Freud believed that in this stage children receive pleasure from holding and letting go of their bowel movements. Third is the phallic stage. It starts at age three and end around age seven. In this stage children find pleasure through the ways of touching. Forth is the latent stage. It occurs in children ages seven to adolescence. It suggested that children at this age get their pleasure in order to learn and grow. Fifth and last is the genital stage which begins at adolescence involves finding pleasure in