Sigmund Freud's Theory Of Sexuality Summary

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S. Freud. Sexuality. Dea Zgjani Course: General Psychology Instructor: Dr. Enila Cenko Time: Wednesdays, 14:00-16:00 Date: 2015-06-10 Sigmund Freud is known as an Australian neurologist, who is also the father of psychology and psychoanalysis. There is not a soul in the world who hasn’t heard of him, his theories and analysis. He made his own self famous with his theories and hypothesis. Also he was the only one to have them. Freud also developed therapeutic techniques. The central role of these techniques was in the analytic process. Freud’s theories on ID, ego and superego and also the “libido” like the science calls it, have made a massive boom. Freud has written three lectures in his theory of sexuality: The Sexual Aberrations, Infantile Sexuality and The Transformation of Puberty. For his first essay, Freud begun to write about distinguishing between the sexual object and the sexual aim. The first is the desired object and the second one is what acts are desired. Here are also used the terms pedophilia and bestiality, which are sexual feelings toward children and animals. Freud mentions that these sexual feelings may be common in everyone and almost everyone thinks about it, but very few are willing to not draw the limit. He also mentions other things such as: people who behave abnormally have the tendency of abnormal sexuality as well. The most used word that Freud uses in this fist article is “pervasion” In his prolog Freud said that he wanted to