Freud And Freud's Theory Of Psychosexual Development

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Freud suggested that the superego acts to perfect and civilize our behaviour and it suppress all unacceptable urges of the id while struggles to make the ego act upon idealistic standards, rather that upon realistic principles. The superego is present in the conscious, preconscious and unconscious. As far as toilet training is concerned, Freud had developed a theory of 'Psychosexual Development '. He developed and advanced this theory focussing on the effects of the sexual pleasure drive on a person’s emerging personality. According to this theory, parts of our personality develop as we move through a series of psychological stages. Each of these stages is characterised by different demands for sexual gratification and by different methods of achieving that gratification. Freud claimed that if, as growing human beings, we do not receive an appropriate amount of gratification, we may become fixated in a particular stage which means, that we continue to have the same demands for gratification that we had at that stage, and this will remain with us for the rest of our lives, and will affect adult behaviour. What follows are the individual stages: Oral stage (birth to about 15 months) characteristic by oral stage drives. A baby is governed only by its drives and only the id is present at this stage. An infant seeks immediate gratification which is achieved through its mouth – feeding, crying, and oral exploration of the world around it. Disturbance of the oral stage may result

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