Ideal Essay: The American Dream

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American Ideals Essay From the time the United States fought it’s way to independence to the modern day every day struggles, our country has come a long way in equality. This country used to be not only unjust in treatment of others, but a pyramid of power. I compare our system of equality and ruling to a pyramid because there were very few very wealthy and powerful people such as the king of England and his advisors and a fair amount of middle class business and store owners and a pleather of immigrants and working class men, women and children with little belongings or money to their name and then there were the slaves who had nothing. The working class and slaves were treated without respect and value by the top half of the pyramid but …show more content…

They faced many hardships on that path of freedom but the end was so promising, they kept on marching. Though African Americans had a hard time getting to justice, they were not the only ones who achieved this goal. Some others were the chinese, japanese, mexican, italian and jewish immigrants. When these immigrants left their homeland and journeyed to america in search of a new and better future, the were met with resistance and discrimination. Many Americans rejected the idea of having foreigners take over their jobs and their land. But they gritted their teeth and did not give up because even with all the hardships America was still a land of new and better opportunities. The pyramid has been working its way into a line on the backs of those who long for equality and fair treatment. The African Americans were one of the first to face down and win against the bull which is inequality. Immigrants from all around the world were eager to get to the much spoken of light at the end of the tunnel but not all were ready to face the challenges and bumps on the long road to reach that light. Our country has changed so much since it was formed from kings to presidents and slavery to equality and is still morphing to accommodate the everchanging