Idealism In Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World depicts a society where efficiency is the primary concern. The world leaders use horrifying repetitive conditioning to shape individuals into acquiescent, infantilized citizens, stupefied into an artificial sense of happiness. The majority of citizens willingly follow the tide that infinitely crashed over them with wave after wave of parties, casual sexual relations, and the perfectly engineered drug, soma. However, the readers may find themselves disturbed, and possibly intrigued, at the lack of morality in this “brave new world”. An important thing for those observing Huxley’s work to keep in mind is the intentions of the World State. The idea of a utopia, ideally without pain or conflict, can be quite tempting and it can be noted that the intentions may be far from what results from the wishful thinking of idealism. In this book, the readers visualize what sacrificial decline of principles might entail. Do the ends justify the means? …show more content…

The citizens are conditioned from birth to be pleased with their social standing and occupations. If, however, there is some discomfort they can simply take a gram of soma, a perfected drug. It is not only offered to anyone to elevate his or her mood, but refusal is highly discouraged. This is seen in the quote, “ “ (pg. ) Besides soma, the children of this fictional work are taught to engage in erotic play; thus encouraging promiscuity. Monogamy can be far too complicated and cause distress. It is much more convenient for everyone to belong to everyone. To be sublimely and mind-numbingly blissful helps avoid disruptions in the order of