
Identification And Evaluation Of Sources Used By The Black Panther Party

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Section A: Identification and Evaluation of Sources
How did the methods of the Black Power Movement compare to the methods used by the Black Panther Party? “Beyond Berets: the Black Panthers as Health Activists.” by Mary T. Basset from the American Journal of Public Health (Oct. 2016) was relevant because it provided evidence regarding methods of social advocacy used by the Black Panther Party (BPP). This source discussed impacts the BPP had on healthcare within communities. Methods of the BPP as healthcare activists were explored.“The Black Panthers’ Education Revolution.” was written by Hannah Bahls and Dewi Zarni from The Berkeley Revolution (2017), and explained methods the BPP used to provide education to Black communities. …show more content…

There is information about methods Basset experienced, but a historian studying ways the BPP impacted healthcare won’t have access to the full scope of the BPP’s impact. An origin limitation is that it was written from the perspective of someone who was an activist for the BPP. This is a limitation because a historian studying how the BPP impacted healthcare cannot grasp ways the general population responded to the efforts. Since the article's purpose was to discuss ways the BPP worked to provide healthcare to Black Americans, a historian studying ways Black Americans received access to healthcare cannot learn ways other organizations provided access to …show more content…

Ideas that the BPM wanted to establish in the institutions were political self determination, African identity, and recreating Black identity and Blackness. Both organizations wanted to “decolonize minds” of students who had been learning in the public school system. Students wore Black Panther uniforms, wrote letters to jailed party members, sang the Black national anthem, and learned about the party’s history. Both the BPP and the BPM used education as a means to liberation because of the belief that education was used as a method of control outside the Black

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