
Identify And Explain The Specific Functions Of An Animal Cell

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Looking at the animal cell, and each part of the cell, they all have different functions. The different parts of the cell are called organelles, this is because they are all specialised individual part of the cell that have specific functions. These functions for each part includes:
Nucleus –
The Nucleus regulates all of the activity in the cell. It is made up of a double membrane nuclear envelope, which encases it, and the nucleoskeleton, which supports the cell. Gene regulation occurs in the nucleus.
Nucleolus –
This Nucleolus is made up of RNA and proteins, and its function is to create ribosomes, which will then later create protein.
Cell Membrane –
The Cell Membrane regulates everything that enters and leaves the animal cell, which is composed …show more content…

Water molecules can pass through it, but solute molecules can’t move, due to its size being too large. If the solute concentration between the solutions is small, then there is low osmotic pressure. However, if there is a large concentration difference, then there is high osmotic pressure.
Osmotic potential is the power of a solution to either gain or lose water molecules through the membrane. If it is weak, then higher osmotic potential occurs. As pure water is weak, then it will be high.
Active transport is the movement of materials using energy from ATP from the mitochondria. The materials move across an area of low concentration, to an area of high concentration. It occurs in the digestion of food, where carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which will then be absorbed and passed into the bloodstream. Active transport uses cellular energy because it is used to drive the movement of polar and charged solutes across the plasma membrane against the gradient.
Primary active transport uses carrier proteins to move solute across the plasma membrane against the concentration

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