Multiculturalism Purpose Of Study

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It would make an attempt to examine if they undergo the concept of shifting identities when exposed this phenomenon. It would also probe the factors that allows their identities to undergo changes and emerge stronger.
This research study draws inspiration from the study carried out by Holliday (2010), and Moore and Barker (2011). In his paper Holliday studied the complexities in cultural identity, while Moore and Barker carried out their study amongst third culture individuals to observe and understand the existence of multiculturalism.
Interaction with fellow international students and some immigrants indicated that every person had experienced shifting identities at some point of time. The discovery that even Australians had experienced their identity shift in some situation provided further support to the research.
The preliminary literature review highlighted certain factors that caused identities to shift according to situations – layering, compartmentalization, language etc. While this revelation does not clearly define or explain Shifting identities it provides a context to develop the …show more content…

The main reason behind choosing a two part design is to identify the exact number of people who experience shifting identity by conducting a survey and using a detailed interview to obtain descriptions about situations causing the shift. The first part of the design comprise of an online survey would include a survey to establish quantitative data. A survey method was used to carry out the quantitative study as it provide the prospect to ask questions and tabulate the responses. The second part of the design was conducted through a comprehensive interview to explain the quantitative data in detail.

Sampling Design:

A sample is usually described as a subset of the desired population as studying the entire population can be difficult (Leedy & Ormrod, 2013 p 206.). To successful to carry out the research, it was essential to develop a sample to study the characteristics of shifting identities amongst the immigrant population in Melbourne.
For the purpose of this study, a non-probability sampling design was adopted as it does not guarantee each element of the population will be represented (Leedy and Ormrod, 2013 p 214). There are three common forms of non-probability sampling methods:
1. Convenience Sampling
2. Quota …show more content…

In every survey carried out to understand the factors associated with personality and identity; there is always a possibility of people lying in their responses. Paulhus (2002) defines socially desirable responding as ‘the tendency to give positive self-descriptions’. Since the survey includes several question with the options to say ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ there exists the possibility that most respondents wanted to appear as a positive, stronger person and hence chose their responses accordingly. Therefore, it is important to consider the impact of the socially desirable responses on the validity of this