Dispose Of Batman Essay

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Molly Wurlitzer was so ill that she died in September, 2004, then again three weeks later, that showed a certain amount of resistance and style. Severe lack of breath was the cause.
Upon never recovering, Molly nonchalantly refused to ever again do anything at all !
Another person not to exist ever again was Charles Forbes, who broke the world record for taking his own life.
He was born at 2.43pm on Tuesday, August 15, 1989, and commited suicide at 2.44pm, exactly 87 seconds later.
A statement from the hospital doctor, Lance Fugg, stated Charles was an advanced baby to the point whereby he rapidly suffered Post Natal Depression at the sight of his own birth, and purposefully choked on his umbilical cord. …show more content…


Yes, a leading question as far as Superheroism is concerned
If Batman were Superman, would he dispose of Robin?
Now, this is purely hypothetical as, as far as we know, Batman is and never was Superman.
I mean, he was a super man, in his own right.
And he wore a cape.
But that is as far as the likeness goes.
I often wondered if the caped crusader envied the flying Goody Two …show more content…

Defining, Aligning Wordage And Structure
Can Leave You Feeling Like You 're A Schmuck, Cha?
So Best To Let It Go Over Your Head,
Think Simplistically, Then Go To Bed !! "PERSPECTIVE"

"Standing between two planets, one develops a sense of disorganised proportion, and the neo stimulation of one 's pineal gland exaggerates the phosphorus within any given moment of the life of a drifter on the arc of a diver".
Strange, this wasn 't the typical sermon normally handed out in church.
Apparently, the vicar was suffering from a rare case of septicaemia, and it had corroded his larynx to a point whereby his consciousness was in denial of his existence.
He was perfectly alright the following day.
However, his little speech was enough to invoke spiritual relapse in all that had witnessed it, and as a result seven people searched out alternative belief systems.
It had serious consequences on the church in question, the Holy House Of Anthrax.
Within two days, NASA opened up a space station right next to the vestry, which was unfortunate as the vestry had been in place for forty four