Ignorance In King's 'Coyote And The Enemy Aliens'

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Le, Tu-Vuong Ignorance in Our Society Stupidity is a huge factor as to why there are so many problems in the world nowadays. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing being done to solve those problems because ignorance is a fluent trait in the population. In Thomas King’s “Coyote and the Enemy Aliens” short story, ignorance can be found throughout the entire story, whether it is by the narrator being a bystander, Coyote and his foolish actions, or the Whitemen’s blindness and insensitivity. First of all, ignorance is shown by the narrator for being a spectator of the issue. Coyote, who just received an “important job”, shows around the city for the narrator. When Coyote invites the narrator into the “Livestock Building” to show him the …show more content…

While Coyote was driving around the city for the narrator to visit, the narrator sees a big sign that says “Livestock Building”. He insisted on knowing what is inside the building. “So, I ask Coyote, what do you keep in that Livestock Building? Enemy Aliens, says Coyote. That’s where we keep the Enemy Aliens.” (King 165) A dialogue is used between Coyote and the narrator in order to show that the Japanese are imprisoned. The Whitemen are the main reason for the internment of the Japanese. They are portrayed as insensitive because they classify the Japanese as something different than the rest of society. Japanese are not considered humans to the Whitemen. Thus, the Whitemen treat the Japanese like animals. Additionally, they also take away all of the Japanese’s possessions. Also, they are blinded by thinking that what they do is what’s best for society. In order to further reinforce their beliefs, they make up nonsensical laws and form many other excuses. Therefore, the end result is that they are always right. In summary, the Whitemen are treating the Japanese in an awful matter and are ignorant towards