Border Wall Research Paper

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Illegitimate immigration is becoming one of the largest problems in today’s America, many believe that a border wall with Mexico would help this problem. In about 3 years ago it occurred that there were about 11.1 million illegal immigrants in America. Of those 84% of them came from Central America, Mexico, and Asia, the largest amount coming from Mexico with 59% of all illegal immigrants. Constructing a border wall to keep out illegal immigrants won't just cost billions of dollars, it would create a less diverse community, make America’s economy weak, and it would hurt the environment. All settlement incorporating illegal immigration that forms great diversity in the community. Having diversity is a significant part of society development …show more content…

When immigrant migrate to the United states they are creating in fresh concepts that will make things more useful and productive for better lives. Furthermore, it gives employers a bigger selection of people to choose to employ making the companies have harder and better workers, making them very productive and valuable. The manufacture of the wall and maintenance of it alone would cost billions, it would also severely hurt the economy of America. The estimated cost for a border wall spanning the whole 2000 miles between the United States and Mexico would cost 10 to 12 billion dollars. Because the cost is so much we would have to borrow money, this would be the next additional sizable amount to the nationwide debt. There happens to be various cities that portion the Mexican border that improve the money income for our …show more content…

Also from 1990 to 2013, America's crime rate had fallen 48%, even though the number of illegal immigrants increased from 3.5 million to 11.2 million.
Americans have intensely agreed that illegal immigrants are embezzling them out of jobs, but is this true? Illegal immigrants might be able to be stopped from “robbing” jobs by a wall being built. Immigrants add to the calls of many things, making more opportunities for