The Pros And Cons Of Border Security

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The Pros of Border Security Did you know that the undocumented population of the United States has reached eleven million or more people? Do you know the severities caused by this large undocumented population? The reason why the United States needs to advocate a strong border security system is because of the amount of drugs illegally smuggled into the country, the increase of terrorism and the fear of safety amongst Americans, and the decrease of the availability of jobs. The weak security of the border has led to an increase of drugs smuggled into the United States. Yuma Sector agents arrested 43 illegal aliens and found approximately one million dollars worth of marijuana ( Breitbart). Drug smuggling leads to an increase of deportation …show more content…

That is the nation’s money essentially getting stolen from the immigrants by illegal activities. Americans also fear their safety due to the large amount of crimes, which in certain cases are caused by illegal immigrants. In Manhattan, New York in 2016, Ahmad Khan was involved in a terrorist attack which affected 29 to 31 people (Telegraph). Ahmad Khan stated that he was given orders from terrorist leaders to attack all non-believers. This shows that U.S. citizens are in danger from terrorists coming from Middle Eastern countries whose main target is America and its citizens. Sean Hannity states that illegal immigrants account for 75% of federal crimes, mainly drug trafficking, kidnapping/hostage,drug possession, money laundering, national defense, and murder. These crimes from illegal immigrants are at an extremely high and rapidly growing percentage (Politifact). Americans feel that they are not safe anymore because so many lives are at risk by these illegals. With increased border security, crimes committed by illegals would decrease because there would be less illegal immigrants. With the large amount of illegal immigrants, the United States government is under an immense amount of economic stress due to their