
Illinois Valley Symphony Orchestra Concert Report

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On Saturday, March 12, 2016, the Illinois Valley Symphony Orchestra (IVSO) preformed in the Ottawa High School Auditorium. During the presentation four songs were preformed. Within the four songs came two separate solos. The solos were preformed by two young ladies that were still attending high school.
Overture on Hebrew Themes, op. 34: To start off the performance the orchestra preformed Sergei Prokofiev’s Overture on Hebrew Themes. Prokofiev wrote the piece in the twentieth century. The piece opened with the clarinet and the cello standing out from the rest. The song then continued on growing louder, but the instruments were balanced with none truly standing alone. The first melody was set by the clarinet and the slower second melody …show more content…

24: The next piece the IVSO played was Concerto op. 24 written by Oskar Rieding. The piece was preformed in an allegro moderato tempo. Abigail Meyer also preformed a violin solo. The piece starts of with a medium loud piano which slows and siftings, but the is followed by just the violin. The solo was played in high pitches. This piece had a lot of energy coming off of it. The piano set the melody for the violin. The offset from the high pitched violin and then the soft piano keys made a high energy piece, but remained peaceful and charming. The piece focused mainly on the violin and the piano. Although there were a few time when the rest of the orchestra would join in and play the violin and piano still stood out from the …show more content…

4 in D minor, op. 120: After the brief intermission the IVSO came back and played one more piece. They played Symphony no. 4, op. 120 written by Robert Schumann in the 1850s. The start of the piece was calm with a medium loud volume to it. This piece had many switches is the tempo and the volume. The whole orchestra was most definitely involved in the performance of this piece. Not one instrument class was left out. With all the changes came the changes with the instruments played. This song was much longer than the others preformed on the night. Although it was the last and longest song the orchestra pushed right through it like nothing. It was impressive at how much work every player put into just a single song. The rhythm of the different pieces was fun to watch. There was not only people in the audience moving along with the with music, but also some of the performers on

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