Ilm Al Kalam And Ahl Al Kalam

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Mention some early divisions within Muslim community. The division of the methodologically in approaching Quran and Sunna into two main schools: Ahl al-hadith and Ahl al-ra’y. Ahl al-hadith are the one that insisted of the literal explanation of Qura’n and the Prophet Muhammad’s hadiths and actions. Ahl al-ra’y are the one that use logic and reasons as a source of Islamic law.

What do you understand by ‘’ilm al-kalam’ and what does it have to do with Islamic Thought? Ilm Al-kalam is using reasons, logic and rational thinking to explain different aspects of God, humans and the world.The discipline of Kalam born in an attempt to deal with several problems early in the history of Islam and it causes the appearance of many Islamic school …show more content…

They believed on the power of reason and human intellectual, a moral obligation can only be justified when it agrees with reason. Their approach was different from the traditionalist. This thought is similar to what Imam Muhammad Abduh -one of the most influential figure of Salafi movement-stated which is that Muslims needed to use reasons and be rational and avoid the slavish imitation of tradition.

Explain Western modernity by mentioning the period in which it began and some of its major elements. Western modernity began in the late 1700’s. Some of its major elements: democratization in politics characterized by free election, independent and so on, rationalization in which logical system is used in theories and data, secularization which is the loss of religious influence when arguing and many other elements such as mass production, individualism and mechanization.

What do you understand by the ‘Mechanism of Western Civilisation’? That they got enlightened when they started to use reason and philosophy and promote freethinking rather than depending on ancient text-religion- in each aspect of their lives whether individually so any individual should be mature and don't need guidance in his life and in science, which subsequently led to the development in the life standard. so the chronology is first philosophy and reasons, then intellectual movement then action and that results as working technology of …show more content…

How did some people compare the West and the Muslim world after colonisation period and what were the major responses/reactions of Muslims towards that? Muslims were politically, economically and in military weak while the west were powerful, Muslims had zero scientific progress while the west were advanced, Muslims were traditional religious thinker and Westerns were seculars and irreligious. Muslims responses vary, some fully adapted what the west came with, some rejected it and promote revivalism, some reconcile some of the aspects and some just watched. Define Islamic ‘Revivalism’ and mention its basic