Imagery And Symbolism In Under The Feet Of Jesus

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The devices that stood out to me in Under The Feet Of Jesus was imagery and symbolism. I developed a connection with Estrella’s character because the diction created powerful pictures that gave the feeling like I was really there. I can relate to her role as the caretaker because I to, have a sibling that I try to keep out of trouble and protect. Another main character that I felt a connection with was her mother. Estrella’s mother didn’t have much but she did everything in her power to give everything she could to her kids. This made me respect her more because she overcame her problems to attempt to help her children. This novel also creates images of violence and cultural segregation. Under The Feet Of Jesus follows the story of a young …show more content…

I will never forget the images of the barn and the baseball game Viramontes used to give you a front seat in Estellas isolation. A constant Fear for Estrella is the border patrol. Little things like bright lights trigger her fear of being deported. The image of a barn is a symbol of migrant workers and their hardships and Estrella’s character development. The barn is first introduced as a symbol of the unknown of Estrella’s family’s security. Estrella compares herself to the barn marked for destruction because she realizes like the barn that after she serves her propose she will be destroyed by the system. To Estrella’s family, the barn represents the conditions of their lifestyle and the fact that they do not have what they need to survive in this society. The barn image is repeated again when Estrella is trying to learn how to spell and read and she meets Alejo. In …show more content…

Even in their community Estrella and her family are seen as different because of their absent father. With the father gone Estrella has to pick up the slack and go to work to help support the family. I feel Estrella’s pain when she is impacted by humiliation and abandonment when she is seen as the odd one out. Estrella is a US citizen but she still associates with the other illegals because of her background and the color of her skin. Estrellas citizenship is on her mother’s prayer alter. The presence of god helps Estrella believe she will be protected from dangers like scorpions and tar pits. Estrella is forced into maturity because of the lack of a second parent figure and the economic pressures prevent Estrella from living out her childhood. Estrella has many roles in the novel, for example she is portrayed as fieldworker, daughter, and caretaker. Estrella and her family heavily depend on each other for survival because they think that the world is out to get