Immigrant Interview Questions

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I interviewed my Dad he immigrated from Mexico to the U.S. he’s been in America for about 24 years and he’s 38 years old now. Question one #5: Is your life better here, if so, how, if not, how? His life is better because he was able to find a better job than the one’s back home also had a better living situation. Question two #11: Do you have any regrets leaving your country of birth? He didn’t have any regrets because once he settled he was finally living a better life all around. Question three #14: Did you leave family in your country of birth? If so, what did they think of your leaving? Are you still in contact with them? How do you communicate with them? My Dad left most of his family but over the years a couple of brothers and sisters …show more content…

Question five #22: What were you first impressions of America? His first impressions of America were scary a lot to take into and lot to adapt to the terrain was different also wasn’t experienced to cold weather and snow. Food was abundant and was also different than what he was accustomed to. Question six #25: How did you prepare for your emigration? He wasn’t prepared at all he crossed with a couple of belongings illegally and was feeling scared and very upset he only had 600 dollars saved up and at the end of his trip he only had 50 dollars left. Question seven #29: It took my Dad about a year to finally decide whether or not to go to America and it took him about a week to finally enter the U.S. Question eight #33: What was your family’s opinion about your decision to come to America? His family didn’t want to let him go they were very upset but they also understood his decision and knew it would only be for the best. Question nine #35 : Did you come to the country alone or with others? If you arrived with others, who were they? He came to the country alone with the help of a coyote he had some family already living in Chicago which was his final