Immigration To Canada Essay

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Modern immigration to Canada has been shaped by historical events that has influenced the country’s economy, trade, and multicultural society. From early waves of immigrants to present day, Canada is a country with a history of incoming immigrants from various parts of the world. Around the 1780s through 1812, one of the early waves of immigration was after the American revolution. This event led to an increase in immigration to Canada, as people wanted a new life away from the newly found United States. Around the end of the first wave of immigrants British and Irish immigrants inspired to come to Canada. Most people immigrating were English speaking. During this time Irish immigrants were growing in numbers due to the potato famine that occurred in Ireland in the mid-1800s. Irish immigrants had a significant impact on Canadian society, including the development of Irish communities across the country.

American revolution

After the American Revolution, people known as loyalists began to leave America. These groups were …show more content…

From 2001 through 2014 Canada had an average of 249,500 immigrants (about half the population of Wyoming) arriving and settling in Canada. Directly as a result of the events of September 11, 2001, Canada experienced a terrorist threat. Causing them to tighten their immigration policy, which made it increasingly difficult to immigrate. But at the same time made it easy for people with common law or same-sex relationships to enter Canada, this shows Canada’s allowance of diversity. Immigration has played a crucial part in Canada’s economic development. Immigrants bring valuable skills, knowledge, and experience to encourage economic expansion. And the inclusivity that has been shown has contributed to the economy of Canada. Immigration has played a crucial role in Canada’s development. The inclusivity shown by the Canadian government has contributed to the country’s