Impact Of Ict In Education

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 Introduction

We are living in a constantly evolving digital world. ICT has an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives from working to socializing, learning to playing.
The digital age has transformed the way young people communicate, network, seek help, access information and learn.
Learning technology includes the use of computers, multimedia materials and networks, and communications system to support learning. Learning technology covers all aspects of the use of computers or ICT in teaching and learning.

 ICT and computing in education

1. ICT is taught well, also it showed the students levels of understanding and that is because ICT is more about thinking skills than about mastering particular software applications.
2. ICT can provide both the resources and the pedagogical framework for enabling students to become effective independent learners.
3. ICT places all learners on an equal footing.
4. ICT helped in motivating students so they can work hard also it helped employees so they can work a lot and harder.
5. ICT enables students to gather data that would otherwise be difficult or even impossible to obtain.
6. ICT enables students to gather data that would otherwise be time-consuming or costly or both.
7. ICT enables students to draft or redraft their work until they are satisfied with what they have done.
8. ICT enables students to experiment with changing aspects.
9. ICT can help students in implementing personalized learning.
10. ICT puts