Impact Of Internet On Teenagers

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The Internet is an essential infrastructure for economic and social interaction. With the growing popularity and ubiquity of social media worldwide comes the notion that there is a new generation of so- called ‘digital natives’, who were born and grew up in the digital era. Social media seems set to become an ever- growing foundation to many of their everyday relationships. As a result much of the world is struggling to make sense of this new phenomenon and its impact.
India is the second largest country in world in terms of population; with 1.21 billion people. More than one-third of its population is below eighteen years of age, meaning there are approximately four-hundred million children in India. The youth today use the Internet, among many other things, to find and play music, watch movies, gather information for research and keep their friends posted on their social activities. Recently, the number of online teenagers engaged in content creation has been increasing. The teenagers are not only using the internet as consumers but also contribute to its vast database of blogs, pictures and videos constantly being created.
Children can benefit greatly from the Internet. It is a significant tool for their education, creativity and self-expression as well as for the development of their identity and social skills. However, they are also more vulnerable to risks than adults. Governments, parents, caregivers, educators, business and civil society can help