
Impact Of Title 9 On Men's Sports

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Bop to the Top: How Title IX’s Getting Dragged Down While Marbella and Wells suggest that Title IX is negatively impacting men’s sports, Goodale proves that Title IX cannot be held responsible for cuts to men’s sports in recent years. Title IX isn’t to be held responsible for decreases in men’s sports as justified by Gloria Goodale in the article “40 Years Later, Title IX Is Still Fighting Perception it Hurt Men’s Sports”. Contrary to popular belief, collegiate sport participation is actually increasing. The NCAA provided evidence proving that “Just between 2002 and 2011, the NCAA says, the number of men in college sports increased by 38,482 between 2002 and 2011. During that same period, the number of females went up by less, some 32,662” (qtd. in Goodale). All of this occurred while Title IX was in place, proving that Title IX, despite it’s increasingly unflattering reputation, is having a positive impact on collegiate sports, even if it …show more content…

Moreover, the unequal distribution of funds between sports carried out by college administrators is the real issue. To support this statement, “The NCAA also points out that nonrevenue men's sports are often cut to provide more funds for the two big revenue sports, football and basketball. In 2006, for instance, Rutgers University dropped men's tennis, a team with a budget of approximately $175,000. The National Women's Law Center points out that Rutgers spent about $175,000 in the same year on hotel rooms for the football team - for home games” (qtd. in Goodale). While Title IX is receiving much of the blame for recent cuts to men’s sports, the fact of the matter is that the blame really belongs to colleges’ administration teams and they way that they budget their money. We cannot blame Title IX for the unequal distribution of wealth among men’s sports teams, and we cannot ignore the fact that

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