Imperialism Is Not Justifiable Essay

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Imperialistic Attributes

Imagine living in a country where leaders left, and all that stayed was chaos. This happened when Imperialism left. Imperialism is a policy by which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker areas. The dictionary definition of Imperialism is “A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.” Countries like the United States Imperialize by using their military, this is how they control the world economically, or to Acquire Resources and markets for goods. This means we Imperialize to get resources. In addition, Expanding territories play a big part, along with Nationalism when every country wants to be the best. Lastly, countries Imperialize by introducing religion to the people who are being imperialized. But, is imperialism really beneficial to the countries, and the small empires around them? Imperialism is not justifiable because it hurts both the colonizers and the countries being conquered, and it costs almost 5% of the U.S …show more content…

In fact $900 billion dollars are being put into the military to keep it operative. According to the “Daniel Hertzberg for the Boston Globe, The Fatal Expense of American Imperialism, by Jeffrey D. Sachs, on October 30, 2016” it states that “The cost of running these military operations and the wars they support is extraordinary, around $900 billion per year, or 5% of the US national income.” (Sachs) As a result, in order to keep the military a functional contraption, the US has to spend about $900 billion to imperialize other nations for resources, or to expand territories, or lastly to be nationalistic. For this reason the $900 billion in annual spending is roughly about one-quarter of all federal government investment. The power beyond America’s own shores is now

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