Imperialist Empires

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The fifth example is what the imperialist empires, in regards to other races considered below them and inferior to them, believe their purpose in the world to be. For example, the British empire believed that its role was “educating and Christianizing the ideigenous population to the point where they could expect someday, even if that day were long off, to govern themselves. They believed they were bringing progress and improvement to people who had fallen under the sway of ‘oriental despots’ but who, because they were born rational men and with exposure to liberal reforms, eduation, free trade, and Christianity, could learn the ways of self- government” (Kent 216). Imperialist empires secondarily used race, after intervening with other …show more content…

However, because the races were different, there were some in the imperialist empires who began to blame the minorities, using race to blame them for the troubles that the imperialist nations faced and the misfortunes. Their differences terrified them and they hated them just for being around. Paraphrase: west carried the hopes and disappointments for the Americans, which they then looked for someone to blame. Since all races of the world were meeting in America, the immigrants and other races were handed the blame for American misfortunes (Limerick 269). The third example of this use of race is when workers in California begin to blame other races, such as the Chinese immigrants in California, for the failure of the gold rush. “To [the] white workingmen, post—gold rush California did not live up to its promise. Facing limited job opportunities and uncertain futures, white laborers looked both for solutions and scapegoats. Men in California came with high hopes; jobs proved scared and unrewarding; someone must be to blame” (Limerick 262). the Chinese were considered cheap, expendable, and replaceable, performing a necessary but unattractive form of labor, and so they were an easy target for the whites. (Limerick 264-265). the Japanese were more intelligent and civilized than the Chinese and willing to adapt, which made them less trustworthy, and always viewed as up …show more content…

The first example of this is during the indian mutiny, where a small number of Indians rebelled against the British empire. During this time, the British military had heard that a number of their British women had been raped and murdered by indian men, enraging the British soldiers. After the rebellion was crushed, “in accordance with a logic that saw in the status and treatment of women a measure of civilization, Indian men and men of color generally came, as a consequence of the mutiny, to be regarded as defilers of innocent British women, till the image of the rape and mutilation of white men by black men came to stand not merely for the mutiny itself but for the whole relationship of Britain to its colonial subject”( Kent 218-9) Because of the atrocities that the British soldiers heard of, the fear and anger that the British men and soldiers felt, defensive of their British women, began to spread through the public, while slowly affecting the government(Kent 217). The fear puts the public at a distance with their minorities, coloring their perception of their minority races. Eventually, as more incidents occur between the races, the distrust, and eventually anger begins to spread as well throughout the public, replacing the fear, which then gives way to anger. Throughout this course, it slowly infects the government, worsening tensions