The Importance Of Good Behavior For Learning

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Behaviour for Learning:
"Good behaviour is a necessary condition for effective teaching to take place."
(Education Observed 5 - DES 1987)
Developing communication, social skills, and appropriate behaviours is an important part of the teaching and learning process. Every student is different and has unique needs. The effective management of pupils’ behaviour has long been a principal concern, not only for classroom teachers, but also for all involved with the management of schools. Encouraging positive relationships and at the same time preventing disruption and motivating students to learn raises complex issues. (Chaplain, 2003)
It was reported in the “Principles Into Practice: Effective Education for Pupils With Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties …show more content…

counters, blocks, cardboards, tablets, etc. (EPD Team, 2009).
2. Rules, Rewards and Sanctions:
The classroom should be a place where a student feels welcome and at home. The main function of classroom rules is to set limits to students’ behaviour and to make them aware of the conditions required for success (Charles 1999). Students need to feel safe and accepted, so ridicule and sarcasm are not allowed. Mutual respect and the Golden Rules are the key for maintaining this climate, For instance; the observer noticed that the teacher:
• sets intelligently constructed rules that can help establish her/his control and facilitate learning, provided that their meaning is clear and are supported by relevant rewards and sanctions. (Hargreaves et al. 1975). The teacher here has a different set of displayed rules around the classroom that reflect her/his aims, concerns and positive expectations from the class. The teacher display signs of “Positive sentences and quotes” like “This is a: to do class”. The teacher here is motivating the students and encouraging them to get involved enthusiastically in their learning process and at the same time empowering their self …show more content…

(Gilfillan, no date) For example; when a student presented a creative power point project on “Space”; the teacher praised him asked the rest of the class to clap for him and gave him a house point. On the other hand; when another student verbally bullied one of his/her classmates verbally in the playground, the teacher talked to him privately, expressed her/his resentment of the unacceptable behaviour, demanded politely but firmly from him/her to apologies to his colleague or be sanctioned by moving to the red zone of his/her traffic light behaviour system which means that s/he will miss 10 minutes of Golden