Essay On The Importance Of Biochemistry

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Biology is the study of life and living organism include their structures , functions and processes while chemistry is the study of structures and interactions of atoms and molecules. Biochemistry is combination of biology and chemistry which is the study of chemical processes in living organisms. Biochemistry is mostly deal with the structures and functions of macromolecules such as carbohydrates , proteins , amino acids, lipids and nucleic acids which are the important components that needed for biological reaction in human. Biochemistry has given us so much knowledge that go on in living organisms. The study of biochemistry gives us the fundamental understanding of living world about how and what made up of living organisms as well as understand the concepts of functioning of various body processes and physiology of plants and animals. Life is one big network of activities where each components relies on all the others. By understanding the things inside living organisms , we are able to know what do our body need in order for us to survive and what will give negative impact to our body and its consequences . Biochemistry is the important …show more content…

Biochemistry leads us to an understanding of structures and functions of DNA which is the genetic carrier in all living organisms. In addition the development of biochemical techniques of DNA finger printing and DNA sequencing allow the genetic materials of organisms to be determined .Thus, identification of individual members of a population can be known by using genetic markers. This knowledge is truly beneficial in forensic investigations especially in serious crimes where this is limited evidence available. For example , a murder case where the evidences are hardly can be found. However, just a very small quantities of DNA that can be discovered on the tool which had been used or left by the criminal is enough to detect the identity of the

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