Summary: The Importance Of Cell Migration

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Migration of cells in simple words can be defined as one of the most essential life processes that involves the translation or transmission of cells from desired tissue or an organ to its target destination. It is a ubiquitous process that is observed almost in every organism, ranging from unicellular organisms like amoeba, to complex multicellular organisms upto mammals. also it is environment dependent, meaning that it can take place in non- living medium like soil, in vitro culture or in complex organisms. Importance of cell migration depends upon its occurrence whether in tissue, organs or an organism it is taking place in and desired results of the migration. For example in lower organisms its main role is mating and search of food, …show more content…

However, both Li (50 mM) and SB-415286 (50 lM) induced a substantial suppression of immunoprecipitated GSK3 activity when they were included in the in vitro kinase assay by 73% and 97%, respectively. Identical results were also obtained with SB-216763, a structurally unrelated maleimide, which, like SB-415286, also exhibits selectively for GSK3. An attempt was made to assess the effects of insulin on GSK3 activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, but proved technically difficult as kinase activity in immunoprecipitates from unstimulated fat cells was found to be extremely low. To establish why this may be so immunoblotted lysates from 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, fully differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes as well as L6 myoblasts and myotubes with antibodies against GSK3a and b. preadipocytes express both GSK3 isoforms, the abundance of the b isoform declines by 85%, whereas that of the a isoform is virtually undetectable in differentiated adipocytes. In contrast, such a loss was not observed during differentiation of L6 muscle cells, which, if anything, showed a marginal increase in GSK3 abundance during differentiation. Our inability to detect GSK3 activity in differentiated adipocytes is at odds with the study of Orena in which the authors reported the presence of significant GSK3

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