An Essay On Effective Coaching

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SOAR Essay “ A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has to see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you always known you could be.” Tom Landry, one of the greatest football coaches of all time, said this is what it takes to be a coach. A research done on Australian coaches shows that “Coaching has the potential to play a significant role in shaping an individual and community’s identity, culture, and knowledge.” Coaches play a very effective role not only on kids but on adults as well. You can go to coaching for anything you need help with in life. When kids get coached at a young age they can learn alot from the coach and even follow some characteristics the coach has. According to Coach Dennis, my former coach, “The friendships you make in watching your players become a better person on and off the field”. Coaches can become life-long mentors as you get through school and even what you do in life. Coaches …show more content…

Get to know them as they get to know you. Once you build a solid relationship and you gain their trust and when you gain their trust they will follow you without hesitation. “Coaches must effectively establish boundaries and build trust by being clear about the learning and development of objectives they set”.(The Key to Effective coaching). This shows how serious you are and now they know the boundaries ad what you are looking for as a coach. After you gain a solid relationship you can perform an assessment on who you are coaching to see what skills they lack and what you need to work on. According to The Key to Effective Coaching, you should provide timely feedback and clarify behaviors you would like to change. You need to always be honest with them so they can trust you more and know what you are telling is the truth. After a while check for improvement and plan accordingly to how they have been doing with the exercises you have been