Importance Of Corruption In A Tale Of Two Cities By Charles Dickens

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Corruption comes from power concentrated in a singular place. In Dickens novel, A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens exposes a sense of absurdity when describing how the jails and prisoners are kept and the satirical way he describes the court itself, serves to expose the horrific yet laughable state of law and order in England in order to parallel the court to the mob in France. The absurdity when Dickens describes the way the court is run exposes the horrific state of law in England in order to parallel the mob in France to the court. While Dickens describes the court scene, he explains the conditions of where the prisoners are kept before being taken to court. Dickens revealed how the jails were where the, “Dire Diseases were bred [and how the they] came into the court with the prisoners,” eventually infecting the judge too. The absurdity that the judges believe they are safe from illness even though the prisoners are ill exposes the horrific state of law by exposing the irony in the court. The sickness shows irony for the judges own prisons are so disgustingly kept that the prisoners being brought in are the reason the judges themselves get sick and eventually perish. Furthermore, by personifying the illness as able to multiply on its own shows how horrific the state of the law is in England by giving a sense that the disease is physically growing and infecting the people of the courtroom. The horrible conditions of the court parallel the mob in France by exposing the state of