Importance Of Dalit Women

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dalit women are dalit among dalits. Government of India has made an extra obligation for the sake of the rights of woman and can avoid discrimination among man and woman. It has strong obligation to punish to the person who are either engaged or being increasing caste based violence and discrimination. But only having obligations is not enough, it has to take some strong steps for the equal justice. These obligations must ensure the right to live with full pride in the society, freedom from slavery, right to be recognized as a person of the society, freedom from every act of torture, domestic violence, ill treatment, humiliation, exploitation, freedom from discrimination in public life. In a male dominated society, dalit women see such oppressive atmosphere not only because of their caste but because of their gender too. Only through the security of these obligations, a woman can live a peaceful and reputed life in the family as well as in the society.
If we analyze the occupational diversification among dalit women, it is also showing the weaker section of their own society. Only 21 per cent of Schedule Castes women were cultivators compared with 51 per cent for Schedule Tribes and 45 per cent for non-Schedule Castes/Schedule Tribes. SC/ST women also face differential treatment in wage-earning, particularly in urban areas. In 2000, Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe women casual labourers received daily wages of ` 37 and ` 34 respectively, compared with ` 56 for non-SC/ST

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