According to the chart in Japan 1892 “Average daily wage of a female silk factory worker is only 13 Sen.” (Doc C) female workers get pay only 13 sen a day. this amount of paid was not enough for living because at that time a pair of ladies indoor sandals already cost 7 Sen. It is just not right to pay the worker with little money especially when the workers spend all their day in the horrible factory conditions. A survey of the Japanese Silk Worker “70% said the pay was good and 0% said it was poor, overall experience 90% said it was positive.” (Doc F) . Almost everyone said the pay was decent and none of the workers were complaining about the wages.
Document 4 is from a Buddhist priest from a rural area of Japan from which many farm girls were sent to work in the mills around 1900. The priest discusses how the peasants in the rural area were poor and had little to eat, and that girls who went to work in the factories were the peasants’ only salvation because of the wages they received. This further emphasizes that the majority of women during this time were factory workers. Document 7 is a table based on data from a dissertation called “Industrialization and the Status of Women in Japan,” written in 1973. According to this table, from 1909 to 1934 there was a slight decrease in the percentage of female cotton textile laborers in India, and only around one-fifth of all women worked in cotton textile factories.
The chart also shows that the percentage of of Indian female workers goes down at the same time as the Japanese percentage slightly increases. This shows the difference of workers between India and Japan. Document 4 also provides a well written source concerning the high percentage of female workers in Japanese mills. The document states that the female laborers were a great salvation for poor peasant
She also talks about how they are often promised salaries, such as “250 rupees (about $4)”, and are actually paid much lower salaries, like $2.50 a day (Liebelson 48). The evidence that she provides bolsters her argument and makes for a compelling read that is not just based on emotion, but verifiable facts. The main focus
Also workers received minimal amount of pay -usually 8-10 dollars a week, with women and children receiving
Many women took jobs as silk factory workers to get money for their families, but the low pay wasn’t very much help. Document C states that the average daily wage was about thirteen sen
Throughout Tina Rosenberg’s Necessary Angels, the unforgiving and deprived lifestyle of rural Indian women reveals the inexorable reality and fragilities of gender roles amongst women in labor. As a result, many of these unfortunate women barely cling to life due to a trickle-down effect that far surpasses their capabilities and intentions. Fortuitously, an effort to not only impugn this rooted problem, but to resolve this plague has been met head on with a few brave individuals, mostly being women. This short essay examines how these efforts have emblazoned the harsh reality, these women go through and invigoration of women’s individualities of rural India.
Some employers agreed on equal pay that only allowed women to performed the same jobs as men “ without assistance or supervision. (Striking –Women) Inequality and discrimination) Anitha S. (2014) The women showed that they could work as hard as man and do the jobs just as well and In (Striking –Women) Inequality and Discrimination) 2nd paragraph) women’s pay was still 53% of the pay of the men they replaced and the semi-skilled and unskilled jobs were given to the women as “women’s jobs” and were exempt from the equal pay. (Striking- Women) Inequality and discrimination).
The caste system holds the view that a person's caste influences their decision-making regarding marriage, employment, education, etc. Despite the fact that it is still in use today, the caste system underwent some major changes over time in India. In today’s time, according to Pew Research center they stated how in India, caste segregation is still widely practiced. For instance, a huge percentage of Brahmins said they would not accept a member of a scheduled caste as a neighbor. However, the majority of Indians believe that caste discrimination is not a major issue in the nation, and two-thirds of those who identify with scheduled castes or tribes also believe that their specific groups don't face a lot of prejudice.
Thesis: The English were a prideful group, entangled in ethnocentrism, that caused a condescending and harsh treatment of the Native Americans, while the Native Americans were actually a dynamic and superior society, which led to the resentment and strife between the groups. P1: English view of Native Americans in VA Even though the English were subordinates of the Powhatan, they disrespected him and his chiefdom due to their preconceived beliefs that they were inferior. “Although the Country people are very barbarous, yet have they amongst them such government...that would be counted very civil… [by having] a Monarchical government” (Smith 22). John Smith acknowledges the “very civil” government of the Natives but still disrespected them by calling them “very barbarous,” which
Since people believe that women have always been responsible for work at home and in the labour force, they have always been paid less, both when their jobs are not the same as men, and when the work is exactly the same. According to the statistics by Historica Canada (), women earned 52.8% of what men earned in 1911, 58% in 1971 and 66% in 1996. This type of discrimination is commonly seen in India, however in India it is difficult for women to get occupations in certain main cities due to cultural and religious issues according to the article by Chatterjee
It is time to face the facts and find solutions for this epidemic. To obtain a better grasp of the severity of the gender wage gap, it is important to understand the data. Per the textbook, out of full-time, year-round workers in 2010, the gender wage gap was 77 percent. This number is found by dividing women’s annual income by men’s. Various other ways of measuring the gap exist, but they are
For all these reasons it gave the men who had power over these women, an ideological justification for giving them an unfair wage. In other words, it is more costly to employers due to the females due to higher absence rate and possibly relieving themselves of their position in order to focus on their role in the private sphere. This is essentially the gender division of labour where labour is divided dependent on
Why Are Women Paid Less? —— It Is Not an Issue Only About Discrimination That Simple According to a survey by North American Industry System(NAICS), based on average wages, all workers in 2014 including full-time and part-time, women earned just 75.3% compared to men. As more and more women enter the labor market, this issue is increasingly attached great importance, and whether this issue relates to discrimination is the biggest concern.
Women are perceived to be disadvantaged at work. Indian laws on Rape, Dowry and Adultery have women 's safety at heart, but these highly discriminatory practices are still taking place at an alarming rate. Gender discrimination in India refers to health, education, economic and political inequalities between men and women. Gender inequalities, and its social causes, impact India 's sex ratio, women 's health over their lifetimes, their educational attainment, and economic conditions. Gender inequality in India is a various issue that concerns