Importance Of Drama In Education Essay

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In Indonesia, English is considered as a foreign language, because not so many people use it either as a daily communication or as a medium of learning. Considering this phenomenon, the government has decided to include English as the compulsory subject in secondary school. In the 1994 revised curriculum, English is included as a subject in the primary school curriculum, starting in the fourth grade. However, only the government primary and private schools in the urban areas would have the staff to teach English (Kam & Wong, 2004: 7). This is why many people in Indonesia want to learn English. One of the expressive language elements is speaking skill. Speaking is the most common and important means of providing communication among humans beings. …show more content…

But the researcher take according from the some search, give meaning about the drama . According to Bolton (1986), The term ‘drama in education,’ like the term ‘play, ’ has become a ‘family’ concept. It is difficult to define its essence. Drama in education is not the study of dramatic texts, although this could be part of it; it is not the presentation of school play, although this could be part of it; it is not even teaching drama or teaching about drama, although this could be large part of it (p.18) Drama is an art form, however not so that by Johnson and O’Neill (1984), they give argue that in education, drama provides educators with a powerful instruction tool. The other stated too,Maricondi says that drama like as performances by some people to showed their communicate through touch, facial expression or gestures (Maricondi, 1991). Then, according to Afan (2010:105) in drama like as characterization is the method used to develop a character, the method includes showing the character’s appearance, displaying the character’s actions, revealing the character’s thought letting the character speak and getting the reactions of others