Importance Of Ethics In Tourism

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Ethics are mostly seen as a word for differentiating what is correct and what is not, it can also be used to classify acceptance and unacceptance behavior, acceptable behavior may vary from one culture to another An example of that would be two parties may have disagreement on abortion but agreeing that murdering someone is a wrong doing, acceptable behaviour are varied by personal beliefs and opinion. Application of ethics will be able to determine decision makings and the action of reactions. Furthermore, ethic in tourism helps to improve the economy of the country as products and services are from local which offer long term tourism businesses which maximize the economic benefit for example in Mumbai India tour was created for tourist that are into ethic tourism showing them the slums giving them a realistic view and rising awareness, it also keep social equality, tourist interacting with the locals and bringing back positive feedbacks and keeping the places safe and sustainable. Lastly, social and culture benefits as tourist getting to know local culture and their way of living which allow them to enhance their own world view by looking into their perspective. Ethical tourism are tourist that have an interest in traditional culture and heritage and are thirsty to know and understand and be grateful of the traditional of any ethic communities. As mention earlier, ethic tourism motivate of traveling is to value the destination culture and traditions but most importantly