
Halogens Research Paper

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Halogens belong to group 7 in the periodic table, and are non-metallic elements. The term halogens mean “Salt former” which means that their combinations containing halogens are called Salts. All halogens have 7 electrons in their valence shell, giving them a charge of -1, and only require one electron to become a complete shell. Halogens are very chemically reactive which increases as you move up the periodic table – fluorine being the most active element. Halogens exist in room temperature in all 3 states of matter; Solid (Iodine and Astatine), Liquid (Bromine), and Gas (Fluorine and chlorine), and is considered toxic. Halogens have been mostly used as chemicals weapons to produce diatomic molecules in the purest state. Even though iodine …show more content…

The molecular lattice/framework holds separate diatomic molecules which is existent in both molten and gaseous states – which means that its reactivity with heat causes it to sublimate from solid’s to vapor. Iodine’s properties consists a melting point of 113.5 degree Celsius and a boiling point of 184.35 degree Celsius. Iodine is the most beautiful and striking of all elements. As it’s a solid, when heated, it doesn’t melt, but it sublimes instead. The result of iodine vapor consists of a violet color and a strong odor that is irritating to a human’s sense of smell. When a cold object such as an iron bar is placed into iodine’s vapor, iodine will sublime back to a solid. Iodine forms attractive, delicate, and metallic crystals, and holds a few properties of metals plus is only slightly dissolvable in water. Although iodine is essential for a human’s proper nutrition, contact with skin, can cause our skins to have grazes, and the vapor of the substance is vastly irksome for eyes and mucous membranes. Furthermore, iodine can be found in the forms of iodides in seawater and seaweeds that have the ease ability to absorb its compounds. The element is mostly found is Chilean saltpeter, caliche, and brackish waters from salt wells, oil wells and in seawaters from old sea deposits, but generally, Iodine is a …show more content…

Mothers, who don’t consume enough iodine in their daily diets, will not allow their babies to develop normally which leads their babies to iodine deficiency. These days, modern experts say that low levels of iodine are the prominent causes to deafness, retardation, Mutism (inability to speak), and paralysis in any child or adult. They also say that less serious problems can still be blamed on low iodine levels in a person’s body. This includes lethargy, drowsiness, and clumsiness, and learning disabilities for

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