Short Essay On Health Promotion

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the person is no longer in a negative situation where they are being emotionally abused. Self-esteem and self-image can also be improved further by being surrounded by positive people.
After going through difficult times, it is common to have better and stronger relationships with those who have helped. To heal and move on, a person relies strongly on social support from friends and family. With good social support from friends and family, a victim is able to accept being a victim and live their live with more resilience, better self-confidence and stronger relationships.
What is Health Promotion?
As defined by the World Health Organisation, health promotion is the “process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health.” Health promotion aims to not only change individual behaviour, but improve social and environmental awareness and prevention. By encouraging lifestyle change, creating strong social networks, and good social and political policies, the aim is to reduce health issues at their core and …show more content…

These organisations are all run by volunteers and depend on charitable donations to continue with their work on support and prevention of domestic violence. In 2015 and 2016, the Women’s refuge received about 73,000 crisis calls and every year help thousands of women and children out of situations that put them at risk of abuse. Groups such as “Are You Ok” or the White Ribbon campaign raise awareness within communities about the devastating implications of domestic violence and offer help and support to those who are victims. They encourage the everyday person to stand up against domestic violence, and through collective action, aim to change a community’s perspective and behaviour towards family violence and violence against