Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Essay

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Human Rights are as old as the human civilization itself. The expression Human Rights though seem to have an in born and intrinsic tendency to save his person and the property. If we put it differently the protection of one’s person and property is inherent in the nature of man. Simply speaking Human Rights are the rights which any human being on this earth must enjoy because he is a human being. The starting point of the problems of the Human Rights order is with the human being himself, be it slavery, bonded labour, women subordination, child abuse custodial death and all other social evils, the list is almost endless. The problem of Human Rights Violations surfaces because we live in an exploitative society where a person because of his position, power rank, weather or any other like factor, has a tendency to exploit the other human being. The universal declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) adopted by the United Nations Organization in short UNO on December 10, 1948 is the magnacarta of universal human rights. It recognizes the inherent right of dignity, liberty and equality of every individual. Human rights promote peace, social progress and better standards of life and greater freedom to all people. Article 1 of UDHR recognizes that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience, should act, therefore, towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 2 declares that everyone is