The Value Of Individual Freedom Essay

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Individual freedom is the constitutional value of the human person as such, the foundation of his duties and rights, according to which each can decide freely on the necessary issues of his life, making himself responsible to society for the consequences of his or her actions and decisions. In different times and historical events, people 's freedom have different ways of being shown. In the modern era, individual freedom is presented in three levels of activity: freedom of thought and opinion, political freedom and association, and freedom of work and economic ambition. There is no doubt that the development of these freedoms can be connected to the large development, profoundly revolutionary in its content, that science, politics and production …show more content…

In societies with a limited degree of development and inequality -like ours- the emphasis that must be placed on these values of solidarity and mutual aid derives fundamentally from the need to find global and rapid solutions to the problem of the satisfaction of needs basic in extended social sectors, which is a necessary condition for the very existence of individual freedom. In the abovementioned, a series of critical annotations are implied regarding the approaches of several of the authors of the journal that we comment on. A certain one-sidedness is seen in them, as the main concern seems to be the affirmation of the freedom of economic initiative, leaving in second place the preoccupation with the freedom of thought, and the political and association freedom enough