Brave New World Individualism Analysis

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Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World: Underlining the Importance of Individualism in a Technological World. The modern world is dominated by an astounding amount of humans, yet unfortunately, a significantly lower count of individual people. An individual is someone who sees the world through their own eyes, thinks their own thoughts about it, and disregards any outside attempts to sway their opinions. These innovative people allow society as a whole to progress, and a lack of them dramatically slows change, be it good or bad, leading to a stagnant world in which humanity rejects all change and progress out of fear. This hypothetical is silently creeping into our reality today, as the current societal machine quietly disallows many once open paths …show more content…

In a time where people are slowly transitioning away from thinking for themselves and back into being sheep, following a few whose ideas are greater than their own, his warning is still very relevant Social medias serve as an outlet to limit the thinking of people, similar to soma within the book. Modern education systems act almost identically to the conditioning, brainwashing people to think a very specific way, and teaching them that any thoughts other than those are wrong. Huxley’s Brave New World takes the utopia of a technologically advanced that modern society currently strives for, and looks at it from a dystopian point of view, satirizing the unrealistic standards we as a people hope to achieve. Individuality is a necessary part of a perfect world, though a perfect world is paradoxical in nature. In a society where everyone has the ability to think freely, eventually some conflict will arise, ruining the perfection of the world. Without the freedom of thought that individualism brings, the perfection of the society is wasted. There is no perfect world that can exist where everyone is happy, so the best society possible is one where conflicts are used to create progress, and despite the seemingly endless conflict, the world in which we live in is that world. Huxley’s society is an exaggeration of what may happen within our own world if we allow for the decline of individuality as we have thus far, and though it is hyperbolic in its description, his warning is still very