Importance Of International Relations Essay

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INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS BE A MECHANISM FOR EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. FORTUNATA MULEKUZI REGISTRATION NUMBER: PG201401993 A CONCEPT NOTE SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNIVERSIDADE FERNANDO PESSOA AND OPEN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA 2016 Background to the Problem The phenomenon international relations emerged at the beginning of the 20th century largely in the West and in particular in the United States as that country grew in power and influence. Bloomfield et al. (1959) argued that, the study of international relations in the newly founded Soviet Union and later in communist China was stultified by officially imposed Marxist ideology, in the West the field flourished as the result of a number of factors: a growing demand to find less-dangerous and more-effective means of conducting relations between peoples, societies, governments, and economies; a surge of writing and research inspired by the belief that systematic observation and inquiry could dispel ignorance and serve human betterment; and the popularization of political affairs, including foreign affairs. Edward H. (1939) argued that, the international relations among other roles also it promotes the improvement of global economic governance and cooperation among emerging markets. The countries raise the voice and representativeness of developing countries in global economic