Realism Vs. Liberalism In International Relations

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The first great-war shattered the human mind so profound that out of its aftermaths’ emerged a fresh discipline (in 1919 at the University of Whales known to us as International Relations) proposed to prevent war. “It was deemed by the scholars that the study of International Politics shall find the root cause of the worlds political problems and put forward solutions to help politicians solve them” (Baylis 2014:03). International Relations happened to play the role of a ‘correcting-mechanism’ restoring the world order of peace and amity by efforting at its best to maintain the worlds’ status quo. However with the emergence of a second world war much more massive that the first put at stake all the values of that young discipline of IR. The …show more content…

The theory unleashes such dynamic forces that from the time of its inception up till now it has governed the international system of the world however things one day itself fall apart. The Realists mark the State as the locus of different international circles and these sovereign states have vested interests which are always selfish. Realism is a heartless theory, man is not supposed to be selfish in the way exaggerated by the Realist thinker however [he] is a seeker of knowledge and what so ever he stumbles upon, he keeps …show more content…

Decision makers are no free agents making their own preferable choices rather we are coming from a social settings that informs its subjects about what is appropriate and important. In simple words, what we think comes out of our social condition.
The Realist approach that man is power lusty seems, to be a miss-representation of Fear. In the wilderness of the international structure individuals feel insecure (constructing a social belief) against each other hence paving way for a holocaust. Our views are not calculated or ‘preferred-choices’, we just follow what is expected from us in our social setting and usually we do so without thinking. Our day to day life is a sum up of involuntary actions where the society structures our daily schedule and we heartedly keep following it without extensive thinking.
Assumption: While Cuba and Canada share a similar balance of military power and are located alongside the United States, Cuba is regarded as a foe and Canada a close ally by America, evidently not simply on the basis of material distribution of capabilities but as a consequence of ideational structure of friendship and enmity which attach greatly different meaning to Cuban and Canadian military power for the United