Importance Of Life Skills Essay

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Life Skills are very important for everyone particularly, students studying in schools. Today, English language has become the most indispensable component of everyone 's mode of communication and also a means of survival. Though most of the textbooks/ coursebook including curriculum emphasizing on life skills in the content but teachers are not well trained to teach life skills and always it is neglected in English classroom which are necessary for student and this can cause a bigger problem in the future.
English and Life Skills are very important to excel in ones career. These skills have to be taught very early during school days. Teaching English and Life Skills in schools have to have an entirely different approach than our traditional language teaching methods, which are strong in some sense but too rigid to meet the needs of today 's fast growing world.
This paper primarily addresses the need of life skills in students and how effectively English and Life Skills can be taught with variety of ESL activities along with teaching suitable methods in rural …show more content…

Life skills are generally connected with managing and living a better quality of life. They help out us to achieve our objectives and live to our full potential. Any skill that is useful in your life can be considered a life skill such as tying tie, swimming, driving a car, using a computer and many other skills which we as individuals have to do in everyday life and those are very useful life skills in life.
Generally, Life Skills can be defined as a set of skills gained either from classroom or society which helps individuals or groups successfully to handle problems and questions commonly encountered in their daily life. Life skills help people to encounter their life situation at home, school, work, and any other context in which they find themselves (Manglallan and Raskauskas, 2003; UNESCO,