Qlt1 Task 1

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Task 1 Teaching and motivation Introduction One of the biggest challenges for teachers today is to make the teaching relevant and challenging, and at the same time be practical and varied in their teaching so as to motivate the students in their learning. I believe this is something that is especially challenging in a subject like English because motivation for learning a second language is not always present in students today. Second language learning can be difficult and frustrating if you are not motivated to do it, but I think with the right teaching-methods and a passionate teacher anyone can be motivated to like English. In this paper I will focus on some of the basic skills from the curriculum in English, …show more content…

School environment is a huge factor when it comes to the students’ wellbeing, which is extremely important in motivation for learning. For the student to want to come to school, the environment has to be a good environment. Both physically and mentally. I believe it is important that the schools try to maintain a certain standard when it comes to appearance and classroom comfort. This can of course be difficult with lack of money to redecorate, but a lot of schools have been able to freshen up their appearance lately and the impact this has on the students is solely positive. It is a motivation in itself to be able to come to a school that does not fall apart and has breathable air in the …show more content…

But when you are learning a new language there are basic skills one has to take into account. The basic skills we find in the English curriculum for Norway is as follows: Oral skills, being able to express oneself in writing, being able to read, numeracy, and digital skills. (http://www.udir.no/kl06/ENG1-03/Hele/Grunnleggende_ferdigheter/?lplang=eng 27/5-2015) Planning a session based on these basic skills were the students feel they are challenged and at the same time enjoy the outcome is an important task of being a teacher. The difficult part here can be to meet the individual student on their various levels of English skills. Every student is not equally good in English, some can be better at writing than talking for instance. This can be a challenge for the teacher, and though we all wish we could give the students the best teaching programme for each one of them this tends to take too much time for us to plan. Of course, the students that struggles the most with learning English are offered an individual education plan (IEP), but in a second language classroom we will find all sorts of levels in English skills, especially in upper secondary school. The levels can range from advanced to very low, and the difficult task for the teacher is to challenge the students