A Response: The Concept Of The Classroom

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Background The teachers should handle the relationship with students. The conflicts between students and teachers always impact on classroom climate. A news showed that educators try to build a peace room to solve the fighting problem in high school, and they want to prevent the bad classroom climate. “The peace room at Manley is a part of the school’s restorative justice initiative, a growing social movement that, among other things, focuses on healing and teaching how to resolve conflicts. The philosophy aims to bring together victims and perpetrators to cooperatively work through their problems” (Bowean & McClatchy-Tribune, 2013). In some other high schools, instructors provided a room for peer mediation, and it composed of a teacher …show more content…

The environment of classroom can be a circulation, like the natural. And a good classroom condition will encourage unproductive students to be better (Sullivan, Johnson, Owens & Conway, 2014). Actually, the main participants in the classroom climate included students and teachers. In the Article A Response: The Concept of the Classroom Ecology and the Roles of Teachers in Materials Use, the authors Guerrettaz and Johnston (2014) showed some important roles that can be established for a positive classroom climate, like open education …show more content…

“Classroom climate is affected not only by blatant instances of inequality directed towards a person or group of people, but also by smaller, more subtle micro-inequities that can accumulate to have significant negative impacts on learning” (Hall, 1982). It stated a good relationship between students and teachers promoted a beneficial attitude. Students have motivations to learn the knowledge in a relatively relaxed classroom climate. It is hard to find an appropriate rule between relaxed and serious classroom climate. “Incivilities that are not addressed properly not only negatively impact learning within the course in which it is experienced, but may also negatively influence a student's success at an institution” (Hirschy & Braxton, 2004). Based on this study, teachers should be control the climate in their classrooms, because of the elementary students do not understand which is the best influence for them. The center of the education is the needs of the students, not for the comfortable learning environment.
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