
Personal Philosophy Of Early Childhood Education

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As a future teacher, it is critical that I enter the classroom with a clear philosophy in regards to how I believe education should be conducted. My philosophy largely emphasizes the emotional and cognitive growth of the children. I believe if the children feel mentally secure the academic components will follow. To achieve this goal, my classroom must be an open and inviting environment that supports all of the child’s domains of growth. When a child fears bullying, or a hostile classroom environment, they have a lesser ability to learn, as they do not feel safe in their environment. Thus, it is my goal and belief that a classroom should feel welcoming and secure to everyone in it. I believe that this is done by working to foster strong …show more content…

I believe that this can be achieved through a varied instruction that the child can make real-world connections to. A curriculum that teaches academic, social, practical, and cognitive skills will be the most successful tool to provide the child with an enriching early childhood education experience. To achieve these goals, differentiated instruction is essential. Some children may process information most effectively through visual images, such as charts and pictures, while other students may require an auditory explanation to fully comprehend the material. It is my belief that a child’s education should be provided in multiple formats so that each child’s learning style can be accessed. This is why scaffolding, and differentiated instruction is so essential to creating a classroom that provides the materials for the development of all the children. If each child develops with their own unique set of variables and traits, then instruction must be offered in more then one way, so as to successfully adapt to the needs of each individual student. At it’s core, my philosophy emphasizes the individuality of each student. By embracing the child for who they are, a teacher can work to build upon their strengths and fill in the

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