Framework Of Classroom Analysis

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The last component of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework of Teaching involves the classroom environment. The first major part of classroom environment is making sure that students are engaged and on task. Mr. Speicher does a great job at keeping students engaged in his classes. He will often ask his students about the extracurricular activities outside of his classes such as the school play, wrestling matches, swim meets, and many other events as well. This demonstrates that he shows care and respect for students. Mr. Speicher monitors work in progress when he shows withitness in his classroom when walking around to clarify misconceptions and other questions that his students might have regarding the class material. To ensure that students understand, …show more content…

Speicher’s room is an interesting one. The room has many decorations on the wall that describe basic mathematical principles such as solving equations as well as general rules for how to live life while incorporating road signs such as “Remember: share the road with others” or “U turn in homework, U get good grades”. Materials are readily accessible for students. His desk arrangement is the traditional rows and columns where so many desks are in each row and each column of his classroom. Some students who need to use a wheelchair to move might have difficulty in accessing the back of the classroom since the columns of desks are close together. (I often had trouble moving in and out of the rows when I was offering students help with independent practice during my lessons because they were so close …show more content…

Speicher’s classes, he also dresses and grooms professionally, has effective time management, organization, and is punctual. He never used any form of inappropriate language. His voice, tone, and grammar were all in the appropriate ranges needed for these classes. He demonstrates his enthusiasm for teaching by always trying to come up with new ideas that he has never done before in the classroom. Many of these new ideas have many forms of student involvement.
Mr. Robert Speicher is a very effective mathematics teacher in the areas of Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus and AP Calculus. He is the personified combination of the math teacher who tries to relate to students as much as possible, but yet is also a teacher who pushes the students to challenge themselves in more mathematical ways. His classes have a wide breadth of depth that will allow his students to apply the concepts found in Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus and AP Calculus to other areas of their schooling and in life compared to some other mathematics courses that I have