Teaching Philosophy Statement

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When I first entered into I.S. 217, I wasn’t sure of how I would fit into the education world as a teacher. My perception soon changed after my observations. I knew that I would be an excellent teacher. I was able to learn different things that would be helpful to me when I am hired as an educator, in the near future. Even though I will face many challenges in the classroom, I possess many attribute’s that would be making me a great teacher. During the various days spent in the classroom, I developed a great idea of how the day to day life of a teacher would be. The overall feeling of how the classroom environment is for teachers who are in secondary schools was priceless. Overall, the experience at I.S. 217- School of Performing Arts was …show more content…

As a teacher, you need to be comfortable in your environment because if you don’t it would be nearly impossible for you to succeed as a productive teacher. Being around the student made me realize why I want to become a teacher. The main reason why I want to become a teacher is to educate our youths. The classroom environment can be in consisting, it usually depends on the student’s and the expectation laid out by the teacher in the beginning of the school year. If the student’s decided to be well behaved it can be a positive and constructive classroom, on the other hand, if the students were to act up, the environment would be the exact …show more content…

In teaching this will happen a lot because you will always have those certain students that want to be a rebel in the classroom. The one way I’ve learned how to face this challenge is not to engage in a back and forth verbal argument with students and not to get mad to fast. I do believe there is a point when it is required to get angry and scold students though, but not before trying to work the problem out in a civil manner and not in front of their peers. Another challenge that I’ve seen is making sure the lessons are engaging and relevant to the curriculum. By keeping students focus and engaged in the lesson, can reduce distraction and interruption. Personally, the challenge in finding a way to make each lesson both fun and informational, so that I am able to target both crowds, and have a successful classroom. Even though, I may face various challenges, I feel that I have much strength that will make me a successful teacher. One of my key strengths would have to be my ability to connect with students. I am able to connect and interact successfully with the students when I worked with in a small group. Student’s really listen to me and enjoy the way I teach them. Also I am a flexible person so I am able to go with the flow and make changes when necessary. Teaching is

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